

The Mentoring Component is the first initiative in the Plainfield Youth Assistance Program. Mentors serve Kindergarten through high school students and provide children and youth with adult companionship and opportunities that may not be otherwise available to them. In turn, kids build character and trust, self-worth, confidence, life skills, respect, responsibility, integrity, motivation, direction, and enhance overall development.

The Full Family Program includes youth and their families and is designed to address the needs of both individual youth and their families who have experienced difficult circumstances and are struggling with solutions. PYAP has access to expansive resources within the Plainfield community and connecting participants to these resources can secure opportunities for youth and families to experience healthy development, grow, and succeed.


For the kids who struggle academically, learning assistance is another component of PYAP. Learning assistance is offered through school programs, PYAP volunteers, or with their PYAP mentor. If a PYAP child needs learning assistance, PYAP will find the location and means necessary to keep the student academically successful in school.

Often student behavior issues can be linked to the need to “work off” excess energy and stress. However, some students are not financially able to participate in sports and recreational activities that would address this need.

PYAP partners with the schools and local athletic groups to provide students with the opportunities to participate in team activities and individual exercise programs.